Overthinking = Handcuffs for most of us!

Amal Omari
3 min readMar 13, 2022

Before reading I want to let you know that you will not find a solution here to avoid overthinking, maybe you will find some helpful ideas, reminders and that is all, the solution is you, ultimately you can’t just read a book about swimming and expect to learn how to swim. You have to jump in the water.

Most of us invest a long time reassessing ideas and situations linked to work and professional life, relationships, love stories, war, self-worth, the loss of a loved one, the fear to lose … so this is the most common causes. No doubt we have to think about what makes us anxious,we have to take time to find solutions, adjustments, we have to look for truth, but we should trust time too, when we detect that we are consuming energy so the alarm is triggered.


It is easy to overthink because our memories and thoughts are linked to each other, and according to statistics overthinking mainly affects young people, it is caused by the past or the future, and most of times it will not help you or others, i call it paralysis… yes it makes us feel paralyzed, the same position, same thoughts (or worst ), it will never provide foresight, but weakness and health problems.


As I said before there are no clear solutions, but here I will try to remind myself first and you that we have the right to think, but not to hurt ourselves, so the first reminder is a Stop with a voice call to our souls then start physical actions. The pandemic was a wake-up call. So if there is anything you want, you have to go for it right now. If you are anxious about a subject don’t let overthinking be a living path, look for many roles in life, there are a lot of roles different from the one who push you to be an overthinker (Lover, mother, daughter, son, employee, wife …), having many roles in life help us enjoy and grow switching from one role to another, especially when we need a break, so we can find our peace and come back to provide again. The trick of roles need to be applied everyday to avoid penalizing the one that causes our anxiety.

We should be grateful of what we have and fix objectives to grow, we need to talk or write or do something to exhale our thoughts, sometimes we need to start from the beginning again and again, and to let go sometimes, it is a learning path, we need the indifference of the child and the wisdom of old people. Waiting is too expensive, the cost is your youth, your time, and your life. It’s hard to measure the value of a brand, mental health, or love, but we know it matters. So go out of the box and when you feel slipping into overthinking,address a quick prayer to God, confide your worries to him and activate yourself in a useful task”.

